
Greater Impact Blog

Engaging Your Audience

1.     What would you say is the best way to start a presentation? How quickly do you get into the main topic?

The beginning of the presentation is your prime real estate. It’s when your audience decides if you are worth paying attention to or not. In my workshops, I call this the HOOK. You can do this by either asking a question, making a bold statement or telling a story that relates to your topic.

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Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?

I grew up in South Africa, where the Zulu greeting, Sawubona, is much more than a polite way of saying hello. Sawubona means “I see you.” They are words that embody the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person, something I strive to do in both my personal and professional lives.

I love the concept of seeing people deeply. People want to connect.

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Tips from Nadia

What STOPS You?

What stops you from speaking up in a meeting?

What stops you from reaching out to someone when you need their advice?

What stops you from going up to someone you have never met and starting a conversation?

What stops you from exercising more?

What stops you from eating more protein and complex carbohydrates?

What stops you from waking up earlier?


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Own Your Space: Confidence, Competence, Charisma

Own Your Confidence: Maximize Your Sales.

The topic of a recent keynote I gave this week was Own Your Confidence: Maximize Your Sales.

The focus was developing deep, authentic confidence that results in customers liking you, trusting you, and wanting to do business with you.

Please also listen to my conversation with master sales trainer and global sales speaker Chuck Reaves (below).

Confidence is crucial in sales and can significantly impact a salesperson’s success.

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Other Blogs

16 Things that AI will never be able to do!

The ultra-modern convenience of Artificial Intelligence systems like ChatGPT and Waze has taken a lot of complex tasks off our hands, like collating information and writing generic blogs or navigating our way out of a traffic jam. But, however sophisticated and brilliant Artificial Intelligence becomes, there are certain things these systems will never be able to do for you. They are the very human features of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence as embodied in the following:

  1. You are building up an inventory of your internal moments of triumph,

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Tips from Nadia

Emotional Intelligence is Profitable!

Daniel Goleman is a psychologist and author widely recognized for his groundbreaking work on emotional intelligence (EI). He is the author of several books on the topic, including the bestseller “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.”  So how can you increase yours? In my workshops, keynotes, and coaching, I provide tips and techniques to elevate your overall EQ.

Firstly let’s understand this often-used term.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize,

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Tips from Nadia

How big is YOUR blind spot?

Have you ever had the scary experience of changing lanes on the highway and, hopefully, just avoiding side-swiping a vehicle in your “blind spot”?

I’m guessing you are all familiar with that term, but did you know that we also have personal “blind spots”?

Your Blind Spot

Your “blind spot” is defined by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the often referred to Johari’s window as things that you are not aware of,

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Presentation Skills To Persuade & Influence

Enough of “umm, you know, like, and right”: reduce filler words for greater impact.

In every presentation skills class, at least one participant asks how to get around their tendency to use filler words. Also known as “crutches” and “disfluencies”, they are words  like “umm”, “you know,” “like”, “ I think”, and “right?”.

While there is nothing wrong with the occasional verbal filler,  especially because it can make the speaker more relatable, excessive use of fillers is usually a sign of  inexperience and nerves, and their effect can be both distracting and even irritating.

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