Category: Other Blogs

How high is your AI Q (Artificial Intelligence Quotient)?

If you are anything like me, adapting to new technologies requires enormous effort. I was one of the last people to switch from a blackberry to an iPhone, and I did it reluctantly. So, difficult as it is for some of us, if we don’t adapt, learn and change we are at as a distinct disadvantage. And the reality is understanding how to use AI to expedite work processes or market your business has become as essential as knowing how to navigate the internet.

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My Secret Antidote to Overcoming Nervousness

I co-wrote a book called Own Your Space a couple of years ago. One of my favorite chapters is called Own Your Confidence. Here is an excerpt.

Exuding a level of ease and confidence is critical to your career success because confidence has the power to create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Success may not be an easy journey for anyone, but when you’re navigating your way to the next level,

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How Would You Rate Your Level of Energy?

When you present information or answer a call, how would you rate your level of energy?

Do you exude the level of energy that says, “I am here, I am present, and what I have to communicate is important?” Or do you sound tired and disinterested? Energy is one of those intangible non-verbal qualities that is most noticeable when lacking.

Exuding a level of positive energy takes work, especially if you are in back-to-back meetings.

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5 Networking Tips in an AI world!

In a world where AI can do it all: conduct research, write a press release, simulate a conversation, answer your questions, and collect customer data to target ads, it has become a real challenge to stand out and differentiate yourself and your services.

However sophisticated it becomes, I firmly believe that AI will never be able to build authentic, mutually reciprocal interpersonal relationships. 

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The Power of Thank You, Gracias, Obrigada, Merci!

  I spent the month of January in South Africa, where 11 official languages are spoken.

Something I have tried to do each time I get into an Uber or pay for an item is ask how you say thank you in the language of the person I am interacting with.

The look of sheer delight on the person’s face is always worth the effort, even if I butcher the pronunciation.

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Who is Henry? My inspiring and enlightening interview with The Fonz.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Henry Winkler, aka The Fonz, at the MJCCA book festival in Atlanta.

He is probably the warmest, most entertaining, and authentic veteran actor out there!  Winkler told stories about meeting Robin Williams as a young unknown comedian and how he immediately knew Williams was a genius. He also shared details about his lifelong friendship with Happy Days co-star Ron Howard and how much he enjoyed directing Dolly Parton.

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Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?

I grew up in South Africa, where the Zulu greeting, Sawubona, is much more than a polite way of saying hello. Sawubona means “I see you.” They are words that embody the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person, something I strive to do in both my personal and professional lives.

I love the concept of seeing people deeply. People want to connect.

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What STOPS You?

What stops you from speaking up in a meeting?

What stops you from reaching out to someone when you need their advice?

What stops you from going up to someone you have never met and starting a conversation?

What stops you from exercising more?

What stops you from eating more protein and complex carbohydrates?

What stops you from waking up earlier?


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