Category: Personal Branding


The concept of an elevator pitch originated from the idea that if you found yourself in an elevator with a person of influence, you should be able to succinctly convey what you do or the value you bring within just a few floors. However, if you are in a confined space with someone, the last thing you should do is pitch. Instead, see this as an excellent opportunity to make a genuine connection.

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6 Ways to Make Yourself Memorable!

In a world where the average attention span is that of a TikTok video, we must develop the skills to ensure our current and future customers & clients have us front of mind if the need for our products or services arises.

Here are six ways to ensure you are offering value authentically and memorably.

  1. Listen

  2. Active listening is a crucial skill that sets memorable individuals apart.

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Defining Your Personal Brand Starts with Knowing Your Superpowers


I recently spoke to the finance group at one of the biggest global brands in the world. The topic was Unleashing your Financial Superhero, which started me thinking more broadly about how one goes about identifying his or her superpowers. And, for that matter, what exactly are “superpowers?”

Your “superpowers” are the strengths and unique abilities you possess that set you apart. And the reality is you can’t ask others to identify your superpowers until you have identified them for yourself.

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The Greater Impact of Brand YOU

A successful branding program creates the perception that there is no product on the market like yours.” ~Al and Laura Ries

We hear so much about the importance of personal branding, but what does that really mean for you? As Jeff Bezos of Amazon explains, “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person.”

Put simply, your brand is what comes to mind when people think about you;

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The Greater Impact of Dressing for Success

The Greater Impact of Dressing for Success

I was listening to NPR last week, and thought their piece on Dressing for Success was excellent. My motto has always been, “Just because anything goes, doesn’t mean it should apply to you.” Here are some of the highlights.

Clothing changes interaction dynamics

We’re all aware that the way we dress and present ourselves has an impact on the way others see us. But what’s more, that can have a real impact on the outcome of our interactions with others.

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The Greater Impact of Your Personal Brand

We hear so much about the importance of having a personal brand, but what does that really mean? Put simply, your brand is your reputation, which is the culmination of almost everything you have ever done and said. As Amazon’s Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

The reality is, you already have a reputation and you are being “branded” whether you are consciously involved in the process or not.

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