5 Networking Tips in an AI world!

In a world where AI can do it all: conduct research, write a press release, simulate a conversation, answer your questions, and collect customer data to target ads, it has become a real challenge to stand out and differentiate yourself and your services.

However sophisticated it becomes, I firmly believe that AI will never be able to build authentic, mutually reciprocal interpersonal relationships. 

What follows are five strategies you can use to build an authentic network that transcends the artificial. They will help you expand your professional and personal network of allies if you are consistent.

1. Don’t opt to use AI when answering or messaging someone on LinkedIn. Instead, write something personal demonstrating that you have made the time and effort to connect.

2. Write a weekly list of people you want to connect with and the outreach method. The goal is to call them via phone or virtual platform with video on. Either is better than an impersonal email.

3. Always go into the interaction with a “what can we do for each other?” attitude instead of an only “what can you do for me?” one. I am always amazed that some people are perfectly happy asking for resources/advice/guidance without so much thought about how they might assist the other person.

4. While AI might be able to drive you to networking events, the software can’t walk in for you and make conversation.

Learn to be a skilled conversationalist by being both excited and, even more l importantly, interested.

5. Reinforce others with genuine compliments and demonstrations of appreciation.

And yes, AI might have assisted me in spell-checking this piece, but it certainly can’t give you a hug when you need it most. — At least not yet, anyway.