Tag: speaking skills

Could Your Presentations Have More Power?

Powerful presentations can persuade, influence, and inspire your audience.

In addition, the ability to present information in a compelling way and develop your overall presence is critical to your career advancement.

Here are seven things to think about every time you share information with an audience of one or one hundred.

1. Who is my audience?

2. What do I want them to THINK,

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Be the HOST wherever you are. It’s a life-changer!

If I were your guest and you were having a party, hopefully you would welcome me and then introduce me to your other visitors, right?

You would do your very best to make me feel comfortable and welcome.

The ability to do this even when you are not at your own home and it is not your party is a superb skill — and one that can enhance your personal and professional life.

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The Power of Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling

In an age of information overload where we are constantly having to compete for attention, the ability to tell stories that have an emotional and intellectual impact is a critical skill.

Think about the last meeting or presentation you attended or Ted talk you watched, what did you remember, what did you repeat?

The story! Especially if the story related to you or triggered you to reflect on your own similar experience.

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Talking or Listening — What’s You’re Challenge?

I have been delivering keynotes and workshops on communication skills mastery for over 30 years, and I have never come across an audience member or participant who didn’t see the benefits of being a more  skilled communicator.

The first step on the road to becoming a skilled communicator is to become more aware of your specific communication style. According to Mike Bechtle, the author of Confident Conversation,  all of us fit into one of two broad categories:

-Those who have trouble talking,

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Your PHYSICAL Space — How to OWN it to Persuade and Influence

How to OWN it to Persuade and Influence
How to OWN it to Persuade and Influence? We’re often told not to judge a book by its cover. But the truth is, that’s precisely what most of us do a lot of the time. We make judgments about the people we encounter very quickly. Therefore, it’s important to make a strong first impression. And to do that, you need to learn to own your physical space.

Own Your Style

While we may wish we could go to the office in yoga pants,

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How do YOU Handle Awkward Encounters?

Awkward  encounters come in many forms, but the two that can cause the most discomfort are those when you are greeted by someone who treats you like an old friend when you have no idea who they are or how they know you and, conversely, when you clearly remember that you have  been introduced to someone several times, and they look at you blankly when you greet them.

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The Greater Impact of Holiday Networking

“I hate going to holiday parties,” my friend Miri complained.

“What don’t you like?” I asked.

“I’m not great at mingling, and I don’t like making small talk.”

“Anything else?”

“I get tired of telling people my life history and what I do for a living,” Miri replied.

Do you ever feel like this?

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The Greater Impact of Owning Your Space

The Greater Impact of Owning Your Space
One of my most memorable professors at the University of Cape Town’s drama school was the formidable Mavis Taylor. Like a character out of a Dickens novel, Professor Taylor seemed ancient to me at the time, with limp, long, blonde hair and an equally long face which showed little or no sign of emotion, ever.

Mavis spoke sparingly, and with a direct gaze that seemed to look right through you.

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