
Greater Impact Blog

Engaging Your Audience

1.     What would you say is the best way to start a presentation? How quickly do you get into the main topic?

The beginning of the presentation is your prime real estate. It’s when your audience decides if you are worth paying attention to or not. In my workshops, I call this the HOOK. You can do this by either asking a question, making a bold statement or telling a story that relates to your topic.

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Personal Branding


The concept of an elevator pitch originated from the idea that if you found yourself in an elevator with a person of influence, you should be able to succinctly convey what you do or the value you bring within just a few floors. However, if you are in a confined space with someone, the last thing you should do is pitch. Instead, see this as an excellent opportunity to make a genuine connection.

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Personal Branding

6 Ways to Make Yourself Memorable!

In a world where the average attention span is that of a TikTok video, we must develop the skills to ensure our current and future customers & clients have us front of mind if the need for our products or services arises.

Here are six ways to ensure you are offering value authentically and memorably.

  1. Listen

  2. Active listening is a crucial skill that sets memorable individuals apart.

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Tips from Nadia

My Secret Antidote to Overcoming Nervousness

I co-wrote a book called Own Your Space a couple of years ago. One of my favorite chapters is called Own Your Confidence. Here is an excerpt.

Exuding a level of ease and confidence is critical to your career success because confidence has the power to create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Success may not be an easy journey for anyone, but when you’re navigating your way to the next level,

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Tips from Nadia

How Would You Rate Your Level of Energy?

When you present information or answer a call, how would you rate your level of energy?

Do you exude the level of energy that says, “I am here, I am present, and what I have to communicate is important?” Or do you sound tired and disinterested? Energy is one of those intangible non-verbal qualities that is most noticeable when lacking.

Exuding a level of positive energy takes work, especially if you are in back-to-back meetings.

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5 Networking Tips in an AI world!

In a world where AI can do it all: conduct research, write a press release, simulate a conversation, answer your questions, and collect customer data to target ads, it has become a real challenge to stand out and differentiate yourself and your services.

However sophisticated it becomes, I firmly believe that AI will never be able to build authentic, mutually reciprocal interpersonal relationships. 

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Networking For Success

Take the WORK out of NETWORKING!

When most people think of Networking, they think of awkward cocktail party banter, reaching out to power players to ask a favor, and contending with shameless self-promoters.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be any of those things!

Let’s reframe and take the negative association from a natural human inclination to build genuine, mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

This is by no means an exhaustive list,

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Other Blogs

Who is Henry? My inspiring and enlightening interview with The Fonz.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Henry Winkler, aka The Fonz, at the MJCCA book festival in Atlanta.

He is probably the warmest, most entertaining, and authentic veteran actor out there!  Winkler told stories about meeting Robin Williams as a young unknown comedian and how he immediately knew Williams was a genius. He also shared details about his lifelong friendship with Happy Days co-star Ron Howard and how much he enjoyed directing Dolly Parton.

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