Tag: keynotes

The Power of Thank You, Gracias, Obrigada, Merci!

  I spent the month of January in South Africa, where 11 official languages are spoken.

Something I have tried to do each time I get into an Uber or pay for an item is ask how you say thank you in the language of the person I am interacting with.

The look of sheer delight on the person’s face is always worth the effort, even if I butcher the pronunciation.

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Virtual Leadership: You Can’t Just Dial It In!

Developing your virtual leadership skills is no longer an option: It’s a necessity.

The fact is, even when all or some of the members of your team return to the office, there will always continue to be a virtual component to all of our lives.

That is why it is vital to develop the skills needed to manage virtual and hybrid teams in a way that maximizes engagement,

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Zoom Gloom? Time to Hit Refresh!

Call it Zoom Fatigue or Online Burnout: Everybody hits that wall at some point.

But there is a range of strategies that can help you navigate your online world more skillfully.
What follows are my tips for combating virtual meeting fatigue so that you can engage your teams, colleagues, and customers in the most impactful way.


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