Tag: communicate

Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?

I grew up in South Africa, where the Zulu greeting, Sawubona, is much more than a polite way of saying hello. Sawubona means “I see you.” They are words that embody the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person, something I strive to do in both my personal and professional lives.

I love the concept of seeing people deeply. People want to connect.

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16 Things that AI will never be able to do!

The ultra-modern convenience of Artificial Intelligence systems like ChatGPT and Waze has taken a lot of complex tasks off our hands, like collating information and writing generic blogs or navigating our way out of a traffic jam. But, however sophisticated and brilliant Artificial Intelligence becomes, there are certain things these systems will never be able to do for you. They are the very human features of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence as embodied in the following:

  1. You are building up an inventory of your internal moments of triumph,

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Are You a Lover or a Hater?

I am a firm believer that your ability to solve a conflict in a constructive way is critical to both your personal and professional success.

One of the ways of doing this is to go into a situation assuming positive intent. That means you approach the situation trying to understand the other person’s point of view with the goal of coming to mutual understanding.

Fight or Flight

Of course,

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How Communication Mastery Adds to Your Sex Appeal

If sex appeal has connotations of being desirable, attractive, and aspirational, mastering your ability to communicate skillfully is very sexy!


So, how do you go about being irresistible and elevating your communication skills into the realms of desirability? Here are 12 things you can do every day:

  1. 1) Communication skills mastery starts with self-awareness.

  2. And the ability to slow down the reactions mediated by your reactive limbic system so that you respond to situations rather than react out of anger or frustration.

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Are You Adapting to Thrive?

Just over a year ago, our lives were changed forever by a force over which we had no control. We found a need to adapt to our new environment.

Our living rooms became our offices, and our webcams became our means of connecting. Each day brought a new challenge of juggling the forced integration of work and home and adapting. Camera on! Camera off.

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Do You Come Across As Needy?

Do You Come Across As Needy?

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to speak at  TEDxEmory. The overall theme was What Makes Your Heart Beat? My topic was Owning Your Confidence: How to Overcome Nervousness and Exude Confidence in High-Stakes Situations. I discussed several practical techniques to help you excel in even the most stressful of situations. They are practices I’ve developed over many years of being on television and speaking professionally. 

The first technique is learning to build a Positive Emotional Memory Database ™

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