Category: Other Blogs

How big is YOUR blind spot?

Have you ever had the scary experience of changing lanes on the highway and, hopefully, just avoiding side-swiping a vehicle in your “blind spot”?

I’m guessing you are all familiar with that term, but did you know that we also have personal “blind spots”?

Your Blind Spot

Your “blind spot” is defined by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the often referred to Johari’s window as things that you are not aware of,

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How high is your ATAQ? (Ability To Act Quotient)

No one changes the world while playing catch up; that is why cultivating the agility to act swiftly and smartly in any given situation is one of the keys to managing the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. I know from personal experience how hard it is to find a balance between thinking a situation through and acting too quickly. Indeed, overcoming “analysis paralysis”  is easier said than done. Nevertheless,  developing the agility to transform rapidly increases the likelihood that you can withstand and even thrive in the face of whatever comes your way.

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My 23 Favorite Words of Wisdom for 2023

We, humans, are a social species, and that’s why words and how we communicate have the power to shape our emotions. With that in mind, I have gathered together 23 quotes that I believe will inspire and fortify you for whatever 2023 may bring. They are the words of iconic leaders like Nelson Mandela and John F. Kennedy, the poet and author Maya Angelou, holocaust survivor and psychotherapist Viktor Frankl, and the Toltec sage Don Ruiz Miguel.

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How to build trust with your teams in a hybrid world

In his book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” Patrick Lencioni identifies the heart of dysfunction as a lack of trust.

So, how do we build teams that trust each other, particularly in a hybrid environment?
The first step toward achieving confident cohesion is to help your team members connect with one another on a personal level.

While this is challenging enough to accomplish in person, it is even more difficult when some members of your team have not and may never meet in person.

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Own your Zoom Room!!!! You Have to be in it a While Longer

Before 2020 Zoom may not have been part of your vocabulary. In 2021 even if you used a different platform, the verb “to  Zoom” became synonymous with virtual meetings. As we embark on 2022, whatever virtual platform you are using, be it Webex, Microsoft Teams, or the countless other platforms that now exist, the question is, how skilled are you at truly owning your virtual space?

In other words, do you have “Virtual Presence”?

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Nadia’s 22 Essential Resolutions for 2022!

If you are experiencing a sense of whiplash as you contemplate 2022, you are not alone. And, if you were expecting your life to return to normal by now, you were also not alone. The era of virtual meetings has not ended and very possibly never will. Indeed, we are all contemplating a new year that is starting to look uncomfortably like the two years we just lived through. Moreover, we are all facing challenges that would benefit from more than one New Year’s Resolution.

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Train Your Brain to Reframe

As we navigate the minefields of our professional and daily lives, we will inevitably face challenging situations, like insults and angry emails, or those passive-aggressive disses, like being ignored and ghosted, or left off an invitation list. Unfortunately, one of the hallmarks of these situations is a lack of communication and information, which makes decoding and responding to them doubly difficult and disempowering.

Retrain Your Brain to Reframe

The urge to lash back immediately with some cutting rejoinder or matching insult is not going to be that helpful.

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