Tag: positive

Nadia’s 22 Essential Resolutions for 2022!

If you are experiencing a sense of whiplash as you contemplate 2022, you are not alone. And, if you were expecting your life to return to normal by now, you were also not alone. The era of virtual meetings has not ended and very possibly never will. Indeed, we are all contemplating a new year that is starting to look uncomfortably like the two years we just lived through. Moreover, we are all facing challenges that would benefit from more than one New Year’s Resolution.

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Do You Bring Out the Best in Others? Here Are Seven Ways to Ensure You Do!

Whether you are the employer, manager, employee, or direct report, you always want to bring out the best in everybody. Being hypercritical or dismissive won’t get the job done, nor will effusive, meaningless praise. Instead, here are seven ways to ensure that you take your interactions to a powerful, productive new level.

1. Take yourself off autopilot.

See every interaction, be it in person or virtual, as an opportunity to get to know and connect with the other person.

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The Greater Impact of Thought Stopping


The Greater Impact of Thought Stopping
Yesterday I had the pleasure of running into someone who had recently attended one of my programs. She told me that the concept of thought stopping and thought replacement that I had spoken about was truly life changing. She said she only wished she had known about it earlier.Stop sign
For me personally, it is also one of the most valuable tools, and something I practice frequently.

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