Tag: personal

Train Your Brain to Reframe

As we navigate the minefields of our professional and daily lives, we will inevitably face challenging situations, like insults and angry emails, or those passive-aggressive disses, like being ignored and ghosted, or left off an invitation list. Unfortunately, one of the hallmarks of these situations is a lack of communication and information, which makes decoding and responding to them doubly difficult and disempowering.

Retrain Your Brain to Reframe

The urge to lash back immediately with some cutting rejoinder or matching insult is not going to be that helpful.

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Are You a Lover or a Hater?

I am a firm believer that your ability to solve a conflict in a constructive way is critical to both your personal and professional success.

One of the ways of doing this is to go into a situation assuming positive intent. That means you approach the situation trying to understand the other person’s point of view with the goal of coming to mutual understanding.

Fight or Flight

Of course,

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The Greater Impact of Your Personal Brand

We hear so much about the importance of having a personal brand, but what does that really mean? Put simply, your brand is your reputation, which is the culmination of almost everything you have ever done and said. As Amazon’s Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

The reality is, you already have a reputation and you are being “branded” whether you are consciously involved in the process or not.

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