Tag: connect

Take the WORK out of NETWORKING!

When most people think of Networking, they think of awkward cocktail party banter, reaching out to power players to ask a favor, and contending with shameless self-promoters.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be any of those things!

Let’s reframe and take the negative association from a natural human inclination to build genuine, mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

This is by no means an exhaustive list,

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Network Most When You Need it Least!

One of the maxims I live by is, never take your network for granted. Building a long-term, collaborative network is a daily activity that requires you to both consciously cultivate and nurture your existing relationships and develop new ones. In fact,  the best time for you to work on maintaining the contacts you have and developing new resources is when you already have a job and are in a good place emotionally.  

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