
Greater Impact Blog

Engaging Your Audience

1.     What would you say is the best way to start a presentation? How quickly do you get into the main topic?

The beginning of the presentation is your prime real estate. It’s when your audience decides if you are worth paying attention to or not. In my workshops, I call this the HOOK. You can do this by either asking a question, making a bold statement or telling a story that relates to your topic.

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The Greater Impact of Deepak Chopra, James Patterson and Andrew McCarthy

Deepak Chopra, James Patterson and Andrew McCarthy don’t have much in common, other than being best-selling authors. What they also have in common is that I interviewed all three of them over the last few weeks. I found it so fascinating to meet the people behind the brand names and to appreciate their own unique perspectives on navigating life’s challenges.

Let’s start with James Patterson, prolific author, Guiness Book of Records holder for most hard cover best-selling books ever sold,

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Other Blogs

The Greater Impact of Kayaking

This summer I kayaked for the first time ever. My brother Brian, a cardiologist, was my coach, and he was very patient with his older and not-very-co-coordinated sister.

As we ventured out into a tidal lagoon in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, he told me that the most important thing was to just keep paddling. Even if you don’t use a lot of strength, he said, you will be fine as long as you keep moving.

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Other Blogs

The Greater Impact of Understanding the PAIN Factor

This morning I had a rather painful physical therapy session for what has been diagnosed as a frozen shoulder.

While Mark, the therapist was twisting my arm into a rather uncomfortable position, he asked me why it took me so long to deal with the problem. “The reason it’s so sore” he said, “is that you waited far too long. If you had come in sooner, it wouldn’t be such a long journey to recovery.”

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Other Blogs Tips from Nadia

The Great Impact of learning how to NOT LOSE IT!

If you have ever attended a Greater Impact Workshop you will have heard the phrase that EVERYTHING you do and say communicates. The way you are perceived is the culmination of many factors. Key amongst these is your ability to relate to others in the most effective, powerful and gracious way. And even more revealing is how you navigate the inevitable interpersonal conflicts that arise in the workplace from time to time.

Not surprisingly,

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