Category: Media

Be Mindful: the message to take away. Take a look.

Nadia and Dan Greenfield met up to discuss some examples of youtube videos from major company leaders. Even they might want to be a little more mindful of how widespread a video can become when posted on Youtube. The traditional rules of Public Relations experts (Dan Greenfield) still apply in the age of new media and Nadia is here to help with how to keep yourself confident and able to deliver your intended message.
Take a look.

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Hey! thanks Deborah! and everyone, become obsessed with LinkedIn

Linked in. It’s great for showing off all of those recommendations that people so generously give out. It’s also great for keeping the discussions going in between networking events. You get 9 questions per month under the free account at set-up so use them. Ask away. And go into the discussions area and read away. Help others by commenting. It’s absolutely a wonderful tool.

And see these kind words from Deborah Jensen, a participant at a recent seminar I gave.

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Nadia sat down with Dan Greenfield to discuss the surprise YOUTUBE scenario

Dan Greenfield heads up Bernaise Source Media (
Check out and to see how you can be a part of the June 19, 2009 seminar.
Nadia and Dan will be teaming up to give valuable insight into the world of new media and traditional. With Nadia’s years of experience in international television news and Dan’s years of media and PR background you’re going to get some real insights into how you can light a fire and kick start your life and career.

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Nadia grabbed Jan Rattia for some tips on networking

Jan Rattia is the Manager of Corporate Learning at Atlanta’s Emory University. He’s happily employed yet still attends networking events. But why?
He says it’s because we MUST stay current; and he’s right!
Your career is always evolving and networking should be something that you enjoy. If you are genuinely interested in what’s going on out there you’ll do wonderfully. Always remember to be yourself. “It’s what you’re best at” as Jan tells us.

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Tips on video blogging – tube yourself

Media Training in the YouTube Age Tip 1:
Ask Yourself, Who is my audience, what do I want them thinking, feeling and doing as a result of this communication

Media Training in YouTube Age Tip 2:
Hook your audience, by asking a compelling question, something that provokes thought and personalizes your message.

Media Training in YouTube Age Tip 3:
If you are talking directly to your audience, make calm,

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The currency that IS networking

When I moved to Atlanta 23 years ago, I knew no one, it was a real challenge to persuade and influence potential employers to hire me. I had some success and many failures. It was when I learned to unleash the power of my presence, that the successes outweighed the failures.

So, how do you do it?

Firstly you need to exude a level of positive energy, you really do need to “let success vibrate within you!”

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