Author: Nadia Bilchik

Tips on video blogging – tube yourself

Media Training in the YouTube Age Tip 1:
Ask Yourself, Who is my audience, what do I want them thinking, feeling and doing as a result of this communication

Media Training in YouTube Age Tip 2:
Hook your audience, by asking a compelling question, something that provokes thought and personalizes your message.

Media Training in YouTube Age Tip 3:
If you are talking directly to your audience, make calm,

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The currency that IS networking

When I moved to Atlanta 23 years ago, I knew no one, it was a real challenge to persuade and influence potential employers to hire me. I had some success and many failures. It was when I learned to unleash the power of my presence, that the successes outweighed the failures.

So, how do you do it?

Firstly you need to exude a level of positive energy, you really do need to “let success vibrate within you!”

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No. 1 Women’s Detective Agency



My new favorite show. Set in Botswana, you can watch it on HBO. Jill Scott plays an African woman who ambitiously sets out to create a detective agency. Such an endearing and inspiring show. I can only hope a site such as will pick up the episodes for the international audience and those who don’t get HBO. Watch and see what I mean. And after have your say! Vote in our poll.

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