Tag: top tips

The Greater Impact of Your Presentation Skills

When striving to make a more significant impact on your audience, whether you’re speaking in front of a large audience or simply speaking up in a meeting, either virtually or in person, having a solid grasp of presentation skills is extremely important.

Who is the audience?

Understanding your audience is critical to if you’re going to have the maximum impact and master your presentation skills. The first thing you determine is who you audience is —

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The Greater Impact of Brand YOU

A successful branding program creates the perception that there is no product on the market like yours.” ~Al and Laura Ries

We hear so much about the importance of personal branding, but what does that really mean for you? As Jeff Bezos of Amazon explains, “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person.”

Put simply, your brand is what comes to mind when people think about you;

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The Greater Impact of Your “Ask”

You’ve probably heard it said that you won’t get what you truly desire if you’re not prepared to ask for it. But for many of us, knowing how to ask for what we want in a way that makes a positive impression – and ultimately gets us the response we’re hoping for – can be challenging.

My friend and founder of Global EXEC Women, Virginia Bradley, cheekily poses the question,

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The 2 Elements to Effective Communication

I am writing this from Athens, Greece. I have been here for the week, training some of the worlds top fertility specialists to handle the media and give more powerful presentations. There are doctors from France, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Denmark, The UK, and the US.

What I am reminded of this week is that while people may come from different parts of the world, there are universal communication skills that still apply.

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