Tag: professional

Are You an Illuminator or a Diminisher?

I grew up in South Africa, where the Zulu greeting, Sawubona, is much more than a polite way of saying hello. Sawubona means “I see you.” They are words that embody the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person, something I strive to do in both my personal and professional lives.

I love the concept of seeing people deeply. People want to connect.

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Are You a Lover or a Hater?

I am a firm believer that your ability to solve a conflict in a constructive way is critical to both your personal and professional success.

One of the ways of doing this is to go into a situation assuming positive intent. That means you approach the situation trying to understand the other person’s point of view with the goal of coming to mutual understanding.

Fight or Flight

Of course,

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Networking to Enhance a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Business Environment

At this point, it had become widely accepted that companies committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion benefit from a “diversity dividend” for a whole range of reasons, including gaining access to diverse markets and tap into different and often innovative perspectives.

So, how does that relate to your career? The answer is if you can harness your networking skills to connect and engage with people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds,

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