Tag: nadia speak

Talking or Listening — What’s You’re Challenge?

I have been delivering keynotes and workshops on communication skills mastery for over 30 years, and I have never come across an audience member or participant who didn’t see the benefits of being a more  skilled communicator.

The first step on the road to becoming a skilled communicator is to become more aware of your specific communication style. According to Mike Bechtle, the author of Confident Conversation,  all of us fit into one of two broad categories:

-Those who have trouble talking,

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The Greater Impact of Your Personal Brand

We hear so much about the importance of having a personal brand, but what does that really mean? Put simply, your brand is your reputation, which is the culmination of almost everything you have ever done and said. As Amazon’s Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

The reality is, you already have a reputation and you are being “branded” whether you are consciously involved in the process or not.

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