Tag: leadership skills

The Greater Impact of Thought Stopping


The Greater Impact of Thought Stopping
Yesterday I had the pleasure of running into someone who had recently attended one of my programs. She told me that the concept of thought stopping and thought replacement that I had spoken about was truly life changing. She said she only wished she had known about it earlier.Stop sign
For me personally, it is also one of the most valuable tools, and something I practice frequently.

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The Greater Impact of Different Perspectives

Recently, I spoke with Melissa Dawn Simkins, president of Velvet Suite, a firm that helps clients build strong brands, about the importance of seeking out different perspectives, both in business and in life. It’s easy for us to become so trapped in our own opinions and our routine ways of doing things that we’re unable to see other options and opportunities. Here are a few of Melissa’s suggestions for avoiding tunnel vision.

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The Greater Impact of Overcoming Self Doubt

I have been in front of audiences both live and virtually for all of my professional life, but even I have experienced moments of terrifying self-doubt, moments when I have broken out into a cold, heart palpitating sweat in which my usual sense of breezy self-confidence just seems to drain away. In fact, I had exactly that kind of moment just before I was scheduled to introduce media mogul, philanthropist and restaurateur Ted Turner,

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