
Greater Impact Blog

Engaging Your Audience

1.     What would you say is the best way to start a presentation? How quickly do you get into the main topic?

The beginning of the presentation is your prime real estate. It’s when your audience decides if you are worth paying attention to or not. In my workshops, I call this the HOOK. You can do this by either asking a question, making a bold statement or telling a story that relates to your topic.

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Putting street sex behind walls: Zurich, Switzerland’s crafty solution to lewd acts in public

On a particular street in Zurich, Switzerland, sex workers and their clients have been doing the deed in plain view on the street causing residents to complain. Officials there have put forth a proposal to have manufactured walls put up so that “clients” of these sex workers can drive up and be a bit more private when in the act. CNN’s Nadia Bilchik explains the unique legal and economic reasons why sex workers are coming to Switzerland,

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Journalists Expressing Concern Over South Africa’s Proposed New Media Laws

Nadia went on CNN Weekend AM to give important details about some concerning proposed media laws set out by South Africa’s ANC political party. Nadia having been a journalist in South Africa for many years, now living and working as a journalist in the United States, talks to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin about why so many are so deeply concerned. These are the international stories that Nadia will be bringing you more of. The stories that are making headlines and affecting your lives

News anchor

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Effect of China’s booming economy: 9 day traffic jams

China’s economy is booming, and so comes with it a need for energy. Coal-powered energy. On a stretch of road in that massive country trucks carrying that coal along with other vehicles traveling in the pack find themselves in traffic jams lasting up to 9 days. CNN’s Nadia Bilchik joined CNN Saturday AM with some fascinating detail on this international story, making headlines and affecting your lives.

China's massive traffic jam

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You get snacks from a vending machine, but drugs too?!

CNN’s Nadia Bilchik joined the CNN Saturday AM team again this week, as she will every week, to bring the U.S. another International story that impacts the U.S.
This week she went into detail about two machines that are revolutionizing the way pharmacies work. One machine allows you to pick up your refills anytime, while the other one will allow you to speak to the pharmacist over a video phone all while getting your prescription refilled.

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Would you stay at a Hotel where you had to pay to use the towels?

Journalists Expressing Concern Over South Africa’s Proposed New Media Laws

Nadia was back today on CNN Sunday AM. She’ll be featuring her segment on interesting International stories every week. Today, an interesting question surrounding the Tune Hotel in London. The company offers up what they call “A 5-Star Bed at a 1-Star Price”. The hotel is in a great area of London, yet it’s cheap. The catch? You have to pay for just about everything else extra.

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Celebrations subdued by the “Horror and Tragedy of this Flooding”

Pakistan’s independence


CNN’s Nadia Bilchik sat down with TJ Holmes this Saturday morning to bring up an important topic. The flooding in Pakistan has literally put an area of that country that is the size of the U.S. state of Florida under water. Today was Pakistan’s independence day, but no one is out in the streets celebrating because of the massive recovery that is taking place there.

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Nelson Mandela’s Global Influence, Felt Now Very Strongly

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Former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, rose from a modest past to become one of the World’s greatest influences. In South Africa, the spirit of humanity is described in one word: Ubuntu.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu described the word’s meaning this way:
“…A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others…does not feel threatened that others are able and good,

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