How High is Your Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is designed to quickly share your strengths, skills, and expertise. However, to have one that hits the right pitch, you never want to sound like you are making a hard sell. The idea is to use the opportunity to connect, build relationships, and create lasting impressions.

Crafting an Effective Elevator Pitch

The question is, do you have the skills to quickly share your expertise in a way that doesn’t sound forced but still represents you in the best possible light? The key lies in delivering a polished yet conversational introduction that highlights your uniqueness, but always with the listener’s needs in mind.

In my Personal Branding workshops, we use a specific structure to craft compelling elevator pitches. This not only helps in sharing your capabilities but also emphasizes how they can benefit the individual or organization you are speaking with.

Here’s the structure:

1. Opening Hook: Start with a recent project or problem you solved. This helps in immediately capturing attention by showcasing a real-world application of your skills.

2. Personal Strengths and Skills: Could you highlight your key strengths and expertise relevant to the listener’s context?

3. Here’s the important piece! Add how your skill/expertise, etc., can benefit the other person. This shifts the conversation from “me” to how I can help YOU. Always keep the other person’s needs in mind and craft your message to benefit them. This prevents you from feeling that you are being boastful and self-serving.

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