Getting In The Zone

Last week I had the pleasure of working with the CNN Bookings team on the concept of Personal Branding.

We began with the process of first looking at everyone’s strengths and unique differentiators.  One of the most effective ways to do this is look back at what you consider to be your ‘blue chip’ or ‘zone moment,’ a moment of extreme personal pride.

I used Tsunami Sunday as an example. I was the guest booker on call, on Dec 26, 2004. I single-handedly booked 17 guest from meteorologists to Aid experts in around 5 hours.  Once you can come up with a zone moment, it is then easier to extrapolate your core strengths.

And so I ask you, while reading this, have you ever thought about your zone moment. Have you ever sat down and said, what is in my “positive emotional memory database.”

I really urge you to do this. It is a critical exercise for many reasons. It helps you better understand your core strengths. It also reminds individuals of past success and in so doing contributes to a sense of confidence and well being.

John Kehoe, author of Mind Power, says “you are a culmination of your success…” and not only as good as your last experience.

As always we welcome dialogue. What techniques have you used to create a sense of well being?

Please work to make this mental exercise a habit.