Category: Media

Some thought on factual meetings; across the desk or one-to-one presentations.

  • Decide on your objective before the session. As the passage from Alice in Wonderland goes:

“If you don’t know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter where you are right now, or what route you take!”

If, however, you have pre-thought and planned, chances are you’ll get to at least the neighborhood of your strategic objective.”

  • Never stand up, walk in or “listen” with your name in neutral.

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My Start to 2008

Life the last few weeks has truly been extraordinary. I started my 08 with a trip to LA, where I had the pleasure of working with a wonderful group of Ad Sales planners. The focus was on Maximizing Your Presentation Impact……and we had such fun doing it. I particularly liked the Presentation HOOK that one of the participants came up with, who was selling True TV, which is the rebranding of Court TV. He said that reality TV was less enjoyable because it had become so contrived and staged,

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