Author: Nadia Bilchik

WIP Conference in Atlanta

This year’s WIP conference in Atlanta was a don’t miss event that provided the perfect blend of networking, personal development, recognition of key people and companies as well as Fun! With 176 attendees and several dynamic speakers, including keynote speaker, Nadia Bilchik, CNN anchor and Editorial Producer. The information exchanged was invaluable. Nadia’s message showed us how to Light the Fire when you present and engage with your audience using Energy, Enthusiasm and Excitement.

The cocktail networking session was a hit with conference goers having opportunities to connect in an informal setting.

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The Greater Impact of Your INNERVERSE

So, how would you rate the current state of your innerverse?

I was thinking about my internal world, my internal dialogue, and my relationship with myself, and I came up with a great name for all of that: my INNERVERSE!

To me, that term encapsulates all the elements of one’s inner state of being, including our headspace and the way we feel about ourselves.

So, how would you rate the current state of your INNERVERSE?

Are you in a good place?

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Unlocking Your Persuasive Presence

Unlocking Your Persuasive Presence

I recently had the pleasure of working with a group of salespeople for a large retailer. Each participant had been a winner in their particular store for selling the most warranties.

What did they all have in common? What differentiated them from their less successful colleagues?

The one thing they all had in common was PERSUASIVE PRESENCE. Each of them had the ability to persuade and influence their target audience,

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The Greater Impact of Shiraz Oken and Managing Change

I recently spoke with Shiraz Oken, an expert on organizational change who has worked many large corporations across the world. Here are some of her helpful insights on successfully managing the change process.

You’re an expert in leading change. Change is now more critical than ever – why?

Organizations today face internal and external pressures to change, some of the changes are planned like technology upgrades,

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How do YOU Handle Awkward Encounters?

Awkward  encounters come in many forms, but the two that can cause the most discomfort are those when you are greeted by someone who treats you like an old friend when you have no idea who they are or how they know you and, conversely, when you clearly remember that you have  been introduced to someone several times, and they look at you blankly when you greet them.

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The Greater Impact of Becky Blalock

Becky Blalock is a consultant, speaker, former CIO at Southern Company, and author of Dare: Straight Talk on Confidence, Courage, and Career for Women in Charge. I recently had the opportunity to chat with her about what it takes for women to own their space and step forward confidently. Here are some of her powerful insights. 

What are the qualities that have helped you succeed?

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