Author: Nadia Bilchik

Celebrations subdued by the “Horror and Tragedy of this Flooding”

Pakistan’s independence


CNN’s Nadia Bilchik sat down with TJ Holmes this Saturday morning to bring up an important topic. The flooding in Pakistan has literally put an area of that country that is the size of the U.S. state of Florida under water. Today was Pakistan’s independence day, but no one is out in the streets celebrating because of the massive recovery that is taking place there.

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Nelson Mandela’s Global Influence, Felt Now Very Strongly

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Former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, rose from a modest past to become one of the World’s greatest influences. In South Africa, the spirit of humanity is described in one word: Ubuntu.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu described the word’s meaning this way:
“…A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others…does not feel threatened that others are able and good,

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Oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, alternatives?

Oil gusher in the Gulf of MexicoFNP: From Nadia’s Producer:

The oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico is already the “United State’s worst environmental disaster”

This reminded me of a report that Nadia did for CNN on bio-deisel fuel, check it out, and let us know what you think here in the comments or on Nadia’s facebook page, or @nadiabilchik on twitter.

On at:

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