Month: August 2021

Train Your Brain to Reframe

As we navigate the minefields of our professional and daily lives, we will inevitably face challenging situations, like insults and angry emails, or those passive-aggressive disses, like being ignored and ghosted, or left off an invitation list. Unfortunately, one of the hallmarks of these situations is a lack of communication and information, which makes decoding and responding to them doubly difficult and disempowering.

Retrain Your Brain to Reframe

The urge to lash back immediately with some cutting rejoinder or matching insult is not going to be that helpful.

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Do You Bring Out the Best in Others? Here Are Seven Ways to Ensure You Do!

Whether you are the employer, manager, employee, or direct report, you always want to bring out the best in everybody. Being hypercritical or dismissive won’t get the job done, nor will effusive, meaningless praise. Instead, here are seven ways to ensure that you take your interactions to a powerful, productive new level.

1. Take yourself off autopilot.

See every interaction, be it in person or virtual, as an opportunity to get to know and connect with the other person.

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