Thank you so much for your support during this crazy year.
I’m so hoping you can join me this Wednesday, 12/23 at 9am ET for a Power Hour!
The focus of the session is the three things you can do to make your start to 2021 positive, productive and purposeful.
Promise you a fabulous interactive informative packed full of take-aways and great contacts.
Please register here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tceuupz8qEtS-CpBOoCalp5ODPX45nQyK
I’m also delighted to offer all of you 15% of my Webcam Confidence online course to ensure you come across as confident, competent and credible in all virtual interactions – https://nadia-bilchik-school.thinkific.com/. Type nadiaspeaks into the promo code when you check out to get your discount.This includes a complimentary coaching session with me.
Also, please let me know if you want to discuss one-on-one coaching, keynotes or corporate training to give you or your team the ability to be more persuasive and influential every time they communicate in person or virtually. Feel free to schedule a time here.
Here’s to healthy and happy holidays!