It’s time to perfect those “real world” communication skills!
It can sometimes feel like AI can do everything, from creating a slick presentation to answering the most esoteric questions. However, there is at least one area where the human touch is still essential, and that is in the realm of interpersonal communication. The more AI pervades our lives, the more critical it is to master the following “real world” communication skills:
All skilled communicators can communicate with themselves. This includes the reminder not to take things personally, not make assumptions, and to respond to situations with thought and purpose.
Active listening
- Communication mastery requires learning to tune in to what someone else is saying to understand them. While this skill may appear obvious, focusing without instinctively formulating a response takes enormous discipline.
Tonal awareness
Whether you’re in person or a virtual meeting or presentation, you must be sensitive to the tone of your communication. If you’re speaking, this refers to the pitch and tone of your voice. Written communication refers to how you phrase your texts, emails, and memos. It’s often not what you say but HOW you say it that has the most impact.
See every interaction as an opportunity to build connection and trust
- This requires a profound appreciation of other people’s different priorities and communication styles. This skill is foundational if you are committed to mastering your ability to nurture and develop new relationships.
Have an inventory of phrases to diffuse conflict
- Examples are: “My intention is not to offend you.” “My sense is this upsetting you.” “There seems to be some miscommunication. Let’s regroup when we have time to think things through.”
I assure you that these five skills are not artificial. If you practice them and make them part of your persona, you will elevate the quality of your life personally and professionally.