Month: April 2017

The Greater Impact of Your Presentation Skills

When striving to make a more significant impact on your audience, whether you’re speaking in front of a large audience or simply speaking up in a meeting, either virtually or in person, having a solid grasp of presentation skills is extremely important.

Who is the audience?

Understanding your audience is critical to if you’re going to have the maximum impact and master your presentation skills. The first thing you determine is who you audience is —

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WIP Conference in Atlanta

This year’s WIP conference in Atlanta was a don’t miss event that provided the perfect blend of networking, personal development, recognition of key people and companies as well as Fun! With 176 attendees and several dynamic speakers, including keynote speaker, Nadia Bilchik, CNN anchor and Editorial Producer. The information exchanged was invaluable. Nadia’s message showed us how to Light the Fire when you present and engage with your audience using Energy, Enthusiasm and Excitement.

The cocktail networking session was a hit with conference goers having opportunities to connect in an informal setting.

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